Some years ago I was looking for some Irish music online and simply couldn't find any that wasn't on a "pay-per-view" site.  This irked me
no end and I half-formulated an inchoate plan to "do something about this" at my earliest opportunity ("
pigs flying" figured in there
somewhere...).  Then I was asked to join a happy band of lunatics who played Irish (and other) music and decided to do a little something to
make my favourite music freely available while advertizing the band as well, and thus the
O'Neill's Music Project was born.  This expanded
to include  the
Allan's Irish Fiddler book and soon (well, not all THAT soon) I had  2000+ tunes online in four formats.  I chose
Noteworthy Composer because it was easy to use and (compared to some alternatives available then) bloody inexpensive!  There are now a
dozen or so decent notation programmes for under $150 as well as "The Giants" of the genre (in price as well as prestiege),
FINALE and at least thirty others whose prices range between the two extremes.  Noteworthy will continue my main programme as I speak
it quite well by now.  The various pages linked below contain all the information you'll need to operate the programme(s) and enjoy the
music... you have but to read the requisite information.

The band went defunct and the website was slowly decaying, so I decided to move everything to a new URL which would refelect the main
purpose of my efforts,  the preservation and promulgation of "older" music.   Irish fiddle and dance,  Catches,  Madrigals; it would be music
not easily obtainable elsewhere at no charge.  I also put the O'Neill's and Allan's and O'Carolan's books onto a
CD for use by teachers and
students of the genre so they could have the music on their harddrives and not need to go online to see/hear/study it. This also now contains
Catches and what Madrigals I have managed to transcribe into Noteworthy and/or convert to PDF's for printing purposes.

While you're here,  please visit my business, Frayed Knot Arts and Nautical Arts, which pays to keep the page up and

I hope that you will find the files useful and enjoyable; they represent nearly five years of effort on my part (as of 12/2004) and I have truly
enjoyed all the emails, corrections, questions and general conversation I have recieved from you over the years.  As well as the music,  there
are some pages of cartoons,  links to other sites and some other interesting things I am pleased to be able to host here.  By all means,  do not
hesitate to
EMAIL me should you have questions of comments or have suggestions for future collections to include here.
The Old Music Project
Welcome    Bienvenu    Willkommen
If you are a first-time visitor, go HERE and read the instructions on how to use and download the programmes necessary for
reading and enjoying the music on the site.  It only takes a minute of your time and will well reward your efforts.  If you have
any problems with any of it,  feel free to email me at the link above.

users should go HERE for some tips and hints.  NOTE: Noteworthy is NOT "MAC friendly"
Try downloading and installing the Times Roman fonts
Unzip them to a folder, then go to START : CONTROL PANEL : FONTS : INSTALL NEW FONTS
and follow directions from there.   If problems continue, please

Those using the Noteworthy Player will find that downloading and installing the
will allow them to see all the bowing and dynamic directions.
Yet ANOTHER redo!